The Nobel Prize winning French poet and journalist, Anatole France, once said:
To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
This is as true today as it was when he said it in 1896. From a young age, children are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Believing that one can reach his or her career dreams starts at a young age. For those aspiring to attend college, it takes thought and planning, especially when it comes to how to afford tuition. That’s where Foodland shoppers can help Hawaii high school seniors accomplish their plans and fulfill their dreams, while lessening their worries about tuition.
By simply shopping with your Maika‘i card and telling your cashier which participating high school you want to designate, you’ll help the school earn points. The same number of Maika‘i points you earn, the school will also earn. You can also help your favorite high school earn more points by purchasing specially marked items – just look for the bright 2x, 3x and 5x bonus point shelf signs.
Over the past eight years, Foodland has awarded $2,000 scholarships to 866 students totaling more than $1.7 million in scholarships! Shop for Higher Education is an easy way for shoppers to contribute to their community and help 100 Hawaii high school seniors receive a valuable scholarship. The designation and points earning period runs from February 5 to March 18 – so head to your favorite Foodland or Sack N Save store soon and simply shop and designate. You can make a child’s dream come true!