Certified Angus Beef®

We believe our customers deserve the best beef available, which is why we sell only Premium Choice Certified Angus Beef®.

More tender. More flavor.
More better.

Exclusively at Foodland

The Certified Angus Beef® brand can only be found at Foodland and select restaurants in Hawaii.

Higher Standards

Our beef passes strict quality standards above what is required for USDA Prime, Choice or Select grades.

More Marbling

Certified Angus Beef® is high in marbling – the flecks of white seen in raw cuts of premium beef.

How does marbling make beef taste better?

  • Marbling melts during cooking
  • This bastes the beef with its own natural juices
  • The resulting meat is juicy, tender and full of flavor

Why Certified Angus Beef®?

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