Strawberry Yogurt Gummy Popsicles

Strawberry Yogurt Gummy Popsicles
“I was inspired by my son’s love of frozen popsicles and my love of gummy bears. The combination of flavors can bring any adult back to their keiki days.” - Chef Brian Sung
- 1 4-ounce pack Gummy bears
- 2 11.2 floz cans Maika'i Sparkling Coconut Water (Pineapple)
- 1 lb. Strawberries
- 2 cups Greek Yogurt
- 2/3 cup Granulated Sugar
- In a bowl, empty the gummy bears and 1 can of sparkling water and allow to sit chilled for 12 hours. Please do not rush this step!
- Wash, trim, dice strawberries (about ¼”) and set aside.
- The next day mix the other can of water, yogurt and sugar together.
- Add in the gummy bears and water, and the diced strawberries.
- Pour into ice cube molds being sure to get some strawberries and gummy bears in each cavity.
- Place in freezer until completely frozen.
- Enjoy!